Essentially they are a stretchy canvas made out of MULTISTRETCH FR fabric. You pull the tent out over an area and peg the tent to the configuration you wish (sides up, sides down etc). Then use poles internally to create the desired shape and space. A Stretch Tent can be rigged in many configurations.

Can it be set up as a freestanding structure?YY
Can it attach to buildings and other structures?YN
Does it have that WOW factor?YN
Do they need roof liners to make them look good?NY
Is It waterproof?YY
Can it withstand 70km winds?YY
Does it comply with NZ Fire Safety Standards?YY
Does it need a flat site?NY
Is it quick and easy to install?YN
Traditional marquees need drapes and lining to look stylish, Stretch Tents don’t.
Traditional marquees need a flat area to erect, Stretch Tents don’t.
Stretch Tents are lighter and easier to erect and break down & Stretch Tents are easier to transport.
There are a number of factors to consider; number of guests, the format (standing sitting etc), the size of area you which to use.
Enquire now and we will recommend what size tent will best suit your needs.
Although Stretch Tents come with a first class look they don’t come with a first class price tag.
We compare favourably with any reputable, well-made framed marquee, in fact we’ll be surprised if we don’t offer better value.
And let’s not forget, Stretch Tents can go just about anywhere, traditional marquees just can’t.

Yes! Stretch Tents have developed a roofing product to go over trussed framing; Stretch Truss Skins. The same fabric and welding technology is used in our Truss Skins as in our Stretch Tents.

See more about Stretch Truss Skins here

Are you interested in purchasing a Stretch Tent?

We ship tents worldwide, and we’ll give you exact specifications for rigging so you can source 90% of your rigging needs from a local supplier. Apart from the tents, we supply the custom-made mushroom-shaped rubbers that fit to end of our poles. We can of course supply all the rest of the rigging! Its up to you..
Hiring a tent in NZ